Register for your FREE Account

A registered student can do homework assigned by his/her parent or teacher and keep track of progress.
A registered teacher can assign home work for his/her students and track their progress.

User ID:
Only letters, digits and underscore ( _ ) are allowed.
User ID is not case sensitive.

With your user ID
a student can:

  • access your account
  • do assignments from parent/teacher
  • track your progress

  • and a teacher/parent can:
  • assign homework
  • monitor progress
  • Your Email Address:
  • An One Time Code will be sent to your email to complete your registration.
  • Your email is also needed when you need to reset your password.
  • Your email address will not be passed to anyone else.
  • Password:
    Password must have six characters or more, preferably with a mixture of upper and lower case alphabets as well as digits and special characters.

    Password is case-sensitive.

    Re-type Password:
      Show/Hide Password
    Your Displayed Name:
    The name helps your teacher to properly identify you.
  • You do not need to enter your real name.
  • If you enter your full name, only your first name will be used.
  • Your user ID will be used if this field is left blank
  • Your Grade at School:
    Your grade at school is used for statistical purposes.
    Users will benefit from knowing how other students in the same grade are doing on a particular problem.
    You may leave it blank if you wish.
    Account Type:
    Student/Parent account allows both the student & parent to login.

    Techer account allows the teacher to

  • assign homework for a group of students;
  • review student's progresses.
  • Teacher/Class ID:
    For Student/Parent account:
    Enter your teacher's user ID here so that
  • you can see your teacher's assignment;
  • your teacher can see your scores;

    For Teacher account:
    Enter your class ID so that you can divide your students into classes. You can add students to different classes in "My Settings" after you login to your account.
    Enter you class names separated by comma:
    classA, classB
    Class names should not contain blank spaces.


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